
Find out when UHS is open, and what to do when it's not.

Safe Medication Disposal

You can dispose of unused and unwanted medications at UHS with the MedSafe take-back program. Available when UHS is open, no need to speak to anyone to deposit medications.

Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian safety is all of our responsibility. It’s important as a pedestrian to be seen, be aware, and be careful.

Sensitive Exams and Procedures

A sensitive examination or procedure involves the genitalia or rectum (regardless of gender) or female breast. Additionally, patients may find certain exams or procedures stressful or distressing due to mental health needs, neurodevelopment issues, or cultural or religious reasons — chaperones may be requested or provided for these situations as well.

Insurance Billing Changes for U-M Students

U-M students' personal health insurance will be billed for laboratory testing (except STI testing, pregnancy testing and hormonal testing for trans care), radiology x-rays and ultrasounds, and allergy injections.

Concerned about Health Care Costs or Privacy?

For currently enrolled U-M students, UHS will bill insurance for costs that the health service fee does not support.

By law, health care services are confidential, however the policy holder on your insurance (your parent if you're on their insurance) may receive an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your insurance company detailing the services you receive at UHS.