Welcome to the University of Michigan!
To learn about important health and wellness information, including how to submit your immunization records, health insurance, and resources the university can provide for you, read the information below from the U-M International Center and University Health Service.
Top Ten Things U-M Students Need to Know About Getting Health Care at UHS
Submit this health information
Immunization records – All new students (or their parent/guardian) should submit their immunization records, which may be used to provide health care for students. Students in Michigan Housing are required to submit their vaccination history under the university's vaccination policy. See the university's Health Response site for more information. This information will be shared with UHS for incorporation into your health record. Please note immunizations are not required by the United States.
- Parent / Guardian Consent for a Minor to Receive Health Care Services – Only for students under age 18; a parent or guardian should complete this form.
Health care at the university
University Health Service (UHS) can provide most of your health care while you are a student at the university. Appointments are required for clinic visits; in-person and telehealth options are available.
Most currently enrolled U-M students (Ann Arbor campus) pay a mandatory health service fee, included as part of tuition, that funds clinical services at UHS and well-being services to improve campus health and wellness.
UHS provides services for non-urgent and urgent health care concerns. Language interpretation is available.
To learn more about health care on campus, see How to Get Health Care.
For easy access, please put this number for UHS in your phone: 734-764-8320
Health examination, immunizations, and health history
U-M students living in Michigan Housing on the Ann Arbor campus are required to submit documentation showing whether they are vaccinated for COVID-19 and other routine immunizations under the university's vaccination policy. For more information, see the university's Health Response site.
You may arrange for a physical exam with your home health care provider (recommended but not required). At that visit, you can update immunizations.
See recommendations at Immunization Records and please note in particular that:
- You can visit a campus vaccination clinic or make an appointment at UHS for your annual influenza and COVID-19 vaccines.
- Meningitis is a serious and potentially fatal illness that immunization can help prevent.
If you are unsure of your immunization status, please check with your healthcare provider, ideally before classes begin. You can also get immunizations at UHS for a fee, which may be covered by your health insurance.
Be sure you know your health history, including current medications and any allergies to medications, foods, etc.
If you have a complex health history:
- Obtain a letter from your healthcare provider summarizing your health history and treatments
- Schedule an introductory visit with a UHS physician early in your first term and deliver the letter at that first visit (do not send it in advance)
- See also Resources for Students with Chronic Health Conditions
Health insurance
For F-1 or J-1 international students whose Form I-20 or Form DS-2019 was issued by the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor):
Health insurance that meets university standards is required to help cover costs such as hospitalization, ambulance services, and medications (which are not covered by the health service fee). As soon as you arrive on campus and complete your Mandatory Immigration Check-in, you (and any F-2 or J-2 dependents) will be automatically enrolled in the U-M International Student Health Insurance Plan. Your health insurance coverage will begin on the program start date on your Form I-20 (in the program of study box) or Form DS-2019 (Item 3). If you have other insurance that meets university standards, you will have the opportunity to apply for a waiver of the insurance requirement at a later date. For questions about health insurance, including the university's standards for insurance coverage, see Health Insurance or email ihi@umich.edu
If you will receive GradCare health insurance because you will be a Graduate Student Instructor or Graduate Student Research Assistant, or will receive a University fellowship, please be sure to read Insurance Provided as a U-M Benefit.
For all other international students:
Students should have health insurance to cover:
- Services received at UHS that are not covered by the health service fee (e.g. medication, testing, immunizations)
- Services received outside UHS (e.g. emergency room visits, hospitalization)
Medical care for serious illnesses can be expensive, and since the US does not have a national healthcare system, healthcare costs are not paid by the US government. If you do not have health insurance that will cover health care costs in the US, consider purchasing the U-M Domestic Student Health Insurance Plan.
If you take prescription medication or use a medical device:
- Be sure to read guidelines on Traveling with Medication from the US Customs and Border Protection website.
- Please arrange for prescription renewals and/or a supply of medications. Keep all medications in their original containers.
- If you have a prescription from a pharmacy in the US, you may be able to transfer the prescription to a pharmacy in Ann Arbor, such as the UHS Pharmacy.
- UHS may be an option for renewing prescriptions. UHS can look up your medication in an international database to determine the closest product available in the US. See How to Get Prescription Medications. If you take medications for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, learn about prescriptions at ADHD.
If you wear glasses or contact lenses, bring a copy of your current prescription, in case replacement is needed. You can get eye exams, contact lenses, and glasses on campus at the UHS Eye Care Clinic and Optical Shop.
More information for well-being
U-M offers a wide variety of well-being resources which are searchable on the Well-being Collective website. If you would like help learning about campus resources for well-being, please contact Wolverine Wellness at 734-763-1320 or WolverineWellness@umich.edu.
If you are currently receiving mental health care, or are interested in doing so:
- Please visit the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) website for recommendations for transferring care to providers at U-M or other providers in Ann Arbor; CAPS also has counselors with international backgrounds
- Learn about Mental Health Services at UHS
- See also CampusMindworks, a U-M website that supports students with mental health disorders
The Collegiate Recovery Program provides a supportive community where students in recovery can achieve academic success while enjoying a genuine college experience, free from alcohol and other drugs. If you are a student in recovery or are curious about recovery, please contact the program.
Students with disabilities who need academic accommodations are encouraged to contact the Services for Students with Disabilities Office. Students wishing to receive services must register with this office. Disabilities include chronic health or mental health conditions, learning disorders, and visual, hearing and mobility impairments.
U-M is a tobacco-free campus, and students, faculty, and staff can get support for quitting Learn more at Tobacco-Free University Initiative.
Once you arrive on campus, prepare a Health Care Kit to keep in your room, house, or apartment.
Contact us
- International Center at icenter@umich.edu or 734-764-9310
- University Health Service at ContactUHS@med.umich.edu or 734-764-8320