Phone Numbers

Main UHS number 734-764-8320 and options:



For building hours and location


To schedule (or cancel) an appointment, talk about a medical concern, or request a prescription renewal


To refill an existing prescription at the UHS Pharmacy, or for Pharmacy assistance


For questions regarding billing, referrals, insurance or release of information


For assistance, Monday through Friday during Business Hours
Other UHS numbers: 734 area code
Administration: 734-763-9631
Advice by Phone: 734-764-8320
Appointments: Scheduling for most appointments 734-764-8320
Cancellation 734-​763-3557
Scheduling for Physical Therapy only 734-764-8349
Community Relations: 734-764-8320
Emergency Response: Call 911 (not UHS) — see also Emergency/After Hours
Eye Care Clinic and Optical Shop: Appointments 734-763-0291
Eye Care Clinic 734-763-0291
Optical Shop 734-647-4300 
General Information: 734-764-8320
Health Information Management Services: 734-936-3275 (for Medical Records)
HIV Antibody Testing: 734-764-8320 (appointments for conventional tests) 
734-763-1320 (appointments for rapid tests)
Insurance for Students: 734-764-5182 or toll-free 866-368-0002
Laboratory: 734-764-8305 — Note: Laboratory does not give test results. Contact your clinician or clinic receptionist for test results (see Clinicians).
Managed Care/Student Insurance Office: 734-764-5182 or toll-free 866-368-0002
Nutrition Clinic: Appointments 734-764-8320
Optical Shop: 734-647-4300
Patient Billing Office: 734-764-7380
Pharmacy: 734-764-7387
Physical Therapy: 734-764-8349
Radiology (X-Ray): 734-764-8302
Wolverine Wellness: 734-763-1320
Gynecology and Sexual Health Clinic: 734-763-9184
Other campus telephone numbers (734 area code)
Campus Information Centers: 734-764-INFO
Counseling and Psychological Services: 734-764-8312
School of Dentistry: 734-763-6933