In need of your health records from U-M? There are two sources. This page is for University Health Service patients only (students, faculty, and staff). The general public should visit Michigan Medicine / U-M Health.
We will gladly provide copies for your personal use or transfer your records to your next health care provider if you complete and submit authorization form (see Request Copies below). See also other ways to get records below.
For URGENT needs
If you have an urgent need for your medical records, please email UHS Health Information Management at [email protected] during business hours, or fax your request to 734-936-3063.
Access UNOFFICIAL records: Some unofficial records are available online through the MyUofMHealth patient portal, including test results, immunizations and visit summaries. (Note that records prior to August 2012 are NOT in the portal.) If you have a portal account, you can access the unofficial records as follows:
- Logon to your patient portal at
- Click on Menu
- Click on My Record and choose option
Request OFFICIAL records: If you have a MyUofMHealth Patient Portal account, you can request records through your patient portal account (this is fastest way to receive records):
- Login to your portal account at
- Click on Menu
- Under the My Record tab, click on Medical Record Request Form
- Click on the link for UHS record request form (1st line under Medical Record Request)
- Fill out information
- Click Submit Request
If you don’t have a portal account, you can Register for the Patient Portal or follow instructions below to request records..If you need assistance with account recovery or setting up your portal account, you can call the MyUofMHealth Patient Portal Help Desk at 734-615-0872
Request COPIES of your UHS records
This is for established patients who are requesting copies of their records at this time.
We do not allow students to sign a "blanket" authorization form. What you might want to release to a third party now, you might not want to release at a later date. You will need to sign a release form each time you want new information released from your records.
Please note we cannot accept an electronic signature on Release of Information forms. All forms must have an original signature before the request can be processed.
Do not complete this form for potential future requests for records.
Please note that UHS retains records for 10 years past last date of service.
Complete and submit this form:
Authorization to Release Protected Health Information (PDF)
This form is available by:
- Clicking on the link above
- Contacting us to fax, email or mail a copy to you
- Visiting our office
Can you give me my medical information over the phone? No, we cannot. This is due to the need to protect patient confidentiality. In addition, we are not clinical personnel and cannot explain test results.
For mailing records: If you want copies to be mailed, please allow at least five days for records to leave UHS.
Your written request serves several purposes:
- It helps us correctly identify the health information you would like to receive.
- If someone is requesting information on your behalf, it helps to document their authority to receive this information.
- It provides documentation for our records of your request and the information we have provided.
- A written request is required by law (MCC 333.26265) and must be signed and dated within 60 days of being submitted to us.
Request to allow others to have VERBAL communication regarding your health care
Compete and submit this form:
Authorization for Verbal Communication of Protected Health Information (PDF)
This form is available by:
- Clicking on the link above
- Contacting us to fax, email or mail a copy to you
- Visiting our office
Radiology images
Call UHS Radiology directly (734-764-8302) to request radiology images, minimize wait time and ask any questions. Images will be put on a CD to be picked up or mailed.
Where to send requests
This request must be submitted with your hand-written signature (we cannot accept electronic signatures).
You may send via mail, fax, in person, or a scanned copy by:
Email: [email protected]
In person: Visit HIM (basement level of UHS)
Mail to:
University Health Service
207 Fletcher St.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1050
Attn: Health Information Management (or HIM)
Fax: 734-936-3063
For further information, call HIM at 734-936-3275.
Complete and submit this form:
Authorization to Release Protected Health Information (PDF)
Transferring health records
It is helpful to have your health records transferred to UHS so your health care provider knows exactly what medication or treatment was prescribed.
You may visit UHS Health Information Management to complete the release form; be sure to bring your provider’s address and/or fax number.
Or you may fill out the release form (PDF, see blue button with link directly above) and send it to your previous health care provider yourself.
After we recieve your records, one of our clinicians will review them before they are scanned into your record.
It may take several weeks for UHS to receive outside records. If you know previous records are needed for continuing care, please request them prior to your appointment at UHS.
ADHD records
Please see How to Get Prescription Medication.
All U-M students residing in Michigan Housing on the Ann Arbor and Marygrove campuses are required to submit documentation showing whether or not they are vaccinated against specific diseases. The Health Response Team handles the vaccination submission and verification processes. (This is not part of UHS.) Details on the process are on the Health Response site. Students can complete the process and check their submission status through Vax Viewer. If you have additional questions, the Health Response Call Center can be reached at 734-936-7000 during their business hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
We will gladly provide copies for your personal use or transfer your records to your next health care provider if you complete and submit the authorization form below. Please note, this form is for U-M student-athletes only.
Authorization to Release Student Athlete PHI (PDF)
- Records can be provided directly to the patient via the patient portal, which can then be downloaded as a PDF to save and share electronically. This is the fastest way to receive your records.
- Records can be sent via U.S. mail.
UHS recognizes and supports patients' rights to confidential health care. Our staff is committed to ensuring your confidentiality, and all staff, both permanent and temporary, sign agreements to that effect.
- If you are 18 years old or older, or an emancipated minor (defined under Michigan law as being married, emancipated through a court order, or on active duty in the armed forces prior to age 18), your health records will be released only with your written consent unless permitted by law.
- If you are less than 18 years old, UHS is obligated by law to release health records (except related to highly sensitive information such as mental health records, or records containing HIV/AIDS, drug and alcohol, sexually transmitted disease, pregnancy and/or birth control information) to your parents or guardian if they request them.
Requests for entire record may include alcohol and drug abuse/treatment; psychological and social work counseling; HIV or AIDS or ARC; communicable disease or infection including sexually transmitted diseases, venereal diseases and hepatitis; and demographic information.
A request for an entire health record does not routinely include records sent to UHS from a previous health care provider. These records must be specifically requested on authorization.
The Michigan Medicine Notice of Privacy Practices describes how health information about you may be used and disclosed and how you may access this information.
- Due to Federal confidentiality law, UHS is unable to communicate with parents without patient consent. This law protects patient privacy and controls how much health information is access and disclosed.
- With your student's permission, UHS staff may discuss your student's health concerns, needs or specific issues with you.
- If you want information about your student's health care, it is best to work through your student, and ask them to give UHS written permission to speak with you, using this form:
Authorization for Verbal Communication of Protected Health Information (PDF) - See also:
- Advance Directive / Health Care Power of Attorney (below)
- Proxy access via the Patient Portal with patient permission
UHS health records are protected by federal law. UHS does not disclose information to parents or guardians for students over the age of 18 without the student’s consent. Students have the right to receive information about advance directives and designating someone (known as a Health Care Power of Attorney) to make health care decisions for them in the event that they are unable. Being a Designated Agent for Advance Directives or Health Care Power of Attorney does not automatically allow access to the health records.
To learn more, see Advance Directives/Durable Power of Attorney on the U-M Michigan Medicine website.
We look forward to assisting you with your health record needs.
Location: Suite 0140, ground level - see also Location, Parking and Transportation
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 734-936-3275
Fax: 734-936-3063
Department hours are the same as UHS Hours
Patient portal questions?
To register, restore, or get help, see our Patient Portal page.
We want to provide information for you to address your concerns. The most efficient way to initiate the process to address your concerns is to call the hotline at 866-990-0111 or email [email protected]