Contraception Education Program

Check out these contraception methods to learn about how use them, plus benefits and downsides of use.

You may also want to consider:

Methods are ranked by effectiveness, with most effective methods appearing first. Percentages indicate the number out of every 100 users who experienced an unintended preganacy within the first year of typical use of each contraceptive method.

Contraceptive methods

MOST EFFECTIVE  (<1 pregnancy per 100 users per year with typical use)

Implant (<1 pregnancy per 100 users per year) -- long-acting, reversible

IUD (<1 pregnancy per 100 users per year) -- long-acting, reversible

Sterilization (<1 pregnancy per 100 users per year) -- long-acting, permanent

MODERATELY EFFECTIVE  (6-40 pregnancies per 100 users per year with typical use)

Hormonal methods (6-9 pregnancies per 100 users per year with typical use):

Shot (6 pregnancies per 100 users per year with typical use)

Pill (9 pregnancies per 100 users per year with typical use)

Patch (9 pregnancies per 100 users per year with typical use)

Ring  (9 pregnancies per 100 users per year with typical use)

Barrier methods (18-40 pregnancies per 100 users per year with typical use):

External (male) condom (18 pregnancies per 100 users per year with typical use) -- protects against sexually transmitted infections

Internal (female) condom (21 pregnancies per 100 users per year with typical use) -- protects against sexually transmitted infections​

Other barrier methods: Diaphragm, cervical cap, sponge with spermicide (6-40 pregnancies per 100 users per year with typical use)

LEAST EFFECTIVE (22-28 pregnancies per 100 users per year with typical use)

Withdrawal (22 pregnancies per 100 users per year with typical use)

Fertility awareness (12-24 pregnancies per 100 users per year with typical use)

Spermicide alone (28 pregnancies per 100 users per year with typical use)  

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