Wellness Courses | ALA 240: Living Well in College & Beyond and ALA 270: Being Well Now

ALA 240: Living Well in College & Beyond for Student Leaders (2 credits)

Course Description: 

This course is designed for developing leaders to integrate researched-based strategies that are not only critical for individuals, but also have a ripple effect on those around us: the community we live in, and social change in the larger world. This class will focus on exploring leadership theory and wellness competencies alongside the eight dimensions of personal and community well-being, and how these intersect with college public health concerns, such as racism, alcohol and other drugs, body image, loneliness, mental health, and more. Students will gain practical experience in modeling well-being on campus and beyond.

*Participants in this class will have the opportunity to apply for peer facilitator roles for the course!

Course Objectives: During this course, students will... 

  • Analyze the interrelationships among the eight dimensions of well-being 
  • Identify factors that promote or impede community connectedness, inclusion, and health equity
  • Explore the relationship between one’s identities and values, and individual and community well-being
  • Develop a better understanding of personal strengths and areas for growth
  • Learn leadership skills to impact the well-being of others  
  • Integrate health and wellness as part of success 
  • Build resilience and positive coping skills to manage the fluctuations of life
  • Make thoughtful choices that reduce harm and promote well-being
  • Integrate values, meaning and purpose with well-being
  • Experiment with asking for help and utilizing campus resources. 

ALA 270: Being Well Now - Coping and Resilience Skills for College Students (1 credit)

Course Description:

Holistic well-being is more than just physical health—it is the integration of all parts of who you are, including one's mental, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, environmental, and financial well-being. Through a lens of positive psychology, mindfulness, and resilience theories, students will explore the ways that personal and community well-being are dynamic and interdependent. Students will build emotional intelligence skills and learn how to impact the well-being of their peers and communities. 

Any Questions? Please email us at [email protected]