Accessible Text version of 2016 National College Health Assessment

Results of the National College Health Assessment

•Ann Arbor Campus

•February, 2016

What is NCHA?

  • Survey designed by the American College Health Association (ACHA)
  • Aligns with Healthey Campus goals
  • U-M previously conducted in 1998, 2006,2010 (undergrad) and 2014 (undertads and grad/prof)
  • ACHA compiles national data

How Can the Data be Used?

•To provide a “snapshot” in time of the behaviors, attitudes and beliefs of students

•To compare with findings from other surveys and (especially) prior years at U-M

•To develop goals to improve health outcomes and assess progress, evaluate impact


•Conducted in February 2016

•Random sample of:

•8,001 undergraduates

•4,001 graduate/professional students

•Over-sampled because of lower response rates:


•Undergrad minority students

•Email invitation with two reminder emails

•Incentives offered for participation

Response Rate & Analysis

•2,515 respondents (2,483 in working data file)

•21% overall response rate - 18% undergraduate and 27% grad/professional

•Data weighted by gender, race, student status, and citizenship to match U-M Winter 2016 enrollment

•Analyses conducted on the weighted data

Respondent Profiles

Undergrads: 49.6% Male, 48.9% Female, 1.5% Transgender

Graduates/Professionals: 52.8% Male, 45.8% Female. 1.4% Transgender

Perceived Health Status

In 2016, about 90% of all respondents perceived their health to be Excellent, Very Good or Good:

Health was rated better by:

  • Males
  • Whites (non-Hispanic)
  • Those with higher GPA

However, there are a few things that get in the way…

Impediments to Academic Success
The Top Five - stress, anxiety, sleep difficulties, depression, cold/flu/sore throat

  • Undergrads were more affected, especially by stress
  • Effect of most impediments increased since 2014 (arrows show direction of change compared to 2014)

Perception of Safety

Grad/Prof felt safer than Undergrads

Respondents overall felt safer:

  • On campus
  • During the day

Abuse and Violence (non-sexual)

•Undergrads experienced more than Grad/Prof

•Almost 1 in 5 Undergrads reported non-physical abuse (verbal threat or stalking) in past year

Sexual Assault & Relationship Abuse

•Undergrads experienced more than Grad/Prof

•9% of Undergrads reported being sexually touched against will

Alcohol Use

for past 30 days, All respondents - 72% drank, 28% didn't (>12,000 students)

High-Risk Drinking in Past 2 weeks

Defined as ≥ 4 drinks for females, ≥ 5 for males*

40% of All respondents experienced high-risk drinking

Undergrads more likely than Grad/Prof (46% vs 29% in 2016)

Grad/Prof declined from 2014  to 2016 (33% to 29%)

* Definition of high-risk drinking changed over time. In 2006 & 2010, definition was ≥ 5 drinks for both females and males.

Stay in the Blue

  • U-M campaign encourages students to keep BAC ≤.06
  • 60% of All respondents Stayed in the Blue
  • Grad/Prof  Stayed in the Blue more than Undergrads (83% vs 51% in 2016)

Undesirable Consequences of Drinking

At last time partied/socialized, All respondents

After ~4 drinks, consequences more likely than not

Undergrads report more consequences than Grad/Prof

Marijuana Use

for past 30 days, All respondents - 17% used, 83% did NOT use marijuana (>36,000 students)

Tobacco and eCigarette Use

for past 30 days, All respondents

  • Use:  Cigarettes = 6%, hookah = 3%, eCigarettes = 3%
  • Tobacco use has declined over past 10 years

Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs

Past 12 months

  • Use decreased since 2014
  • Undergrads used more than Grad/Prof

U-M Student Sexual Behavior

Results may challenge assumptions

•% Undergrads who have never engaged in:

•Oral sex = 34%

•Vaginal sex = 43%

•Anal sex = 82%

•Number of partners:

•72% Undergrads had 0 or 1 partners in past year 

•Mean # of partners: 1.6 for Undergrads, 1.3 for Grad/Prof


Condom Use and STI Diagnosis

  • Undergrads’ condom use for anal sex increased (47% vs 34% in 2014)
  • 2% of All respondents reported diagnosis of a sexually transmitted infection in the past 12 months

Contraception Use and Pregnancy

•For Undergrads, use of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) increased compared to 2014:

•Intrauterine device: 11% vs 6% in 2014

•Implant: 3% vs <1% in 2014

•<1% of All respondents reported unintentional pregnancy in past 12 months (Met goal of 1% )

Drinks at Best Sexual Experience

•84% of All respondents said 0, 1 or 2 drinks

Intimate Relationship Difficulties

Traumatic or Very Difficult to Handle in past 12 months

  • 28% of All respondents reported intimate relationship difficulties
  • Relatively unchanged over time: 27% in 2014, 29% in 2010
  • Undergrads experienced difficulties more than Grad/Prof
  • 10% of Undergrads report that relationship difficulty was an impediment to academic performance
  • U-M focuses programmatic efforts on healthy relationships

Physical Activity

  • Moderate,vigorous or combination: all 44%, undergrad 46%, grad/prof 41%, healthy campus goal: 54%
  • Strength training: all 34%, undergrad 35%, grad/prof 32%, healthy campus goal: 41%

Fruits and Vegetables

  • Ate > or equal to 5 servings per day: all 7%, undergrad 6%, grad/prof 8%, healthy campus goal: 7%
  • At less than or equal to 2 servings per day: all 56%, undergrad 64%, grad/prof 58%


Relatively unchanged since 2014

Of all respondents, 73% did not sleep enough to feel rested

Sleep difficulties affected academic performance 17% - healthy campus goal: 18%

Received Immunizations

Met goals for immunizations except hepatitis B and MMR

  • Measels, Mumps, Rubella 76% Goal: 78%
  • Hepatitis B 71% Goal: 80%
  • Meningitis 67% Goal: 60%
  • Influenza 53% Goal 37%
  • HPV female 68% Goal 37%
  • HPV male 42% Goal 37%
  • Varicella (chicken pox) 63% Goal 48%

Mental Health Diagnosis and Treatment

All respondents, past 12 months

  • Anxiety diagnosed: 15% % treated: 79%
  • Depression diagnosed: 12% % treated: 80%
  • ADHD diagnosed: 4% % treated: 86%
  • Insomnia diagnosed: 3% % treated: 50%
  • Eating disorders: diagnosed: 2% % treated: 59%

Emotional Disturbances

past 12 months Undergraduates reported disturbance more than grad/prof

anxiety 55% 

depression 36% 

considered suicide 9%

intentionall injured self 6%

attempted suicide 1% Healthy campus goal <1%

Disability or Medical Conditions

Most common plus total

Almost 1 in 5 students manage a disability or medical condition

  • Psychiatric: 7%
  • ADHD 6%
  • Cronic illness 5%
  • greater than or equal 1 disability or medical concern 18%

Want Information from U-M

Respondents were least likely to have received information on Sleep difficulties

Top five topics

  • Stress reduction 78%
  • nutrition 58%
  • how to help others in distress 52%
  • sleep difficulties 24%
  • physical activity 58%


U-M Student Life Health & Wellness Learning Outcomes

Grad/Prof  had greater understanding than undergrads

All respondents had similar trends in understanding (e.g. “Meaning and purpose” least well understood)

I understand how to:

  • Make thoughtful choices that reduce harm and promote well being: 92%
  • Integrate health and well being as part of success: 85%
  • Build resilience and manage the fluctuations of life: 82%
  • Find meaning and purpose: 74%

For more information:

[email protected]