Community Matters - Graduate Courses

At the University of Michigan, we are committed to your personal and professional development and that of your peers — in the classroom and the community. To better prepare you and all of our graduate students on how to help reduce your risk for personal harm while you are a member of this community and later in life, the University of Michigan is offering graduate and professional students an online course: Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate Students.

Graduate students will receive an invitation to complete Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate Students the week of August 5, 2024.

New Graduate and Professional Students  

New graduate and professional students are encouraged to take Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate Students, an online course specifically for graduate students. Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate Students is an important component of the education and support services related to sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, sexual harassment, and stalking. 

Continuing Graduate and Professional Students

Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate Students will continue to be offered annually as an opportunity to refresh your knowledge on the topic and of campus resources.   

Sexual Misconduct Prevention Online Courses for Graduate Students

Graduate students often sit in multiple roles on campus — including student, staff, and/or instructor, and because of those multiple roles, many graduate students will be invited to take several online courses in the U-M efforts to prevent sexual misconduct.  

Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate Students (SAPG) is a 60-minute course specifically designed for graduate students about sexual misconduct prevention and U-M policies. It includes information to support graduate student interactions with advisors, faculty members, peers, and undergraduate students). This online course is offered to all graduate students annually. (This course is managed by Wolverine Wellness in Student Life)

Culture of Respect is a 20-30 minute required module for all U-M employees that lays a foundation of leadership expectations about behavior as an employee of U-M. This course is U-M specific and gives resources available at the university for employees. (This course is managed by Central Human Resources).  

Haven is a 60-90 minute additional course offered to employees that does a deeper dive into the subject and has an emphasis on state law and university policy.  (This course is offered by Central Human Resources).


Take the Graduate Online Courses


FAQ for Graduate Online Course

What are the courses?

Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate Students is an online education course for all graduate students. It is an interactive, online course designed to inform students about sexual assault issues. The confidential, research-based course provides students with accurate information in a non-judgmental tone and provides personalized feedback that encourages students to consider their own decisions and those of their peers.

What can students expect from the course?

The online courses take approximately 1 hour to complete and can be taken in segments. Students will have access to the program 24 hours a day and can complete the course at their own pace before scheduled deadlines. It is essential that students complete the course from start to finish to ensure an effective curricular and prevention experience.

What is the content of the course?

The course consists of a pre- and post-test, informational chapters, interactive activities, and three surveys. Topics include:

  • Common myths about sexual assault and rape

  • Definition of consent

  • The link between sexual assault and alcohol

What is the format of the course and the schedule?

Complete Part 1 of the course by Monday, August 26, 2024. 30 days after you complete Part 1, you will receive an email asking you to complete Part 2 of the course. You will need to log in again to complete Part 2 which will take no longer than 15 minutes.

What do I do if I don't have my own Internet access?

Internet access is often available at local libraries. Students can also email [email protected] for more information.

Can I get in trouble for my answers on the surveys?

NO! All responses are confidential. The University of Michigan will NEVER be able to connect a student's individual answers with his/her identity.

What happens if I do not pass the exam?

The minimum score to pass the exam is 85%. Students who do not score 85% will be directed to review the course and retake the exam. Look for the link at the top of the screen in the Notebook that will allow you to retake the course.